Programmer's notes

How to retrieve password from Toad for Oracle

0 1820

If you forgot your password to the Oracle database and your IT department don’t know it either, you are in a big trouble. Fortunatelly there is a hope if you are using Toad and have your password saved.

This is a post written after I had the same problem with forgotten password and I found the solution online. I just want to have the solution on my blog, to not to look for it again. But the real credits should go to Damir Vadas and this is his original post:

What are the steps:

  1. Login into the Oracle database using Toad
  2. Go to: Database > Create > DbLink
  3. Enter the Link Name and then from the drop down “Database to connect to” choose the account you want your password to be retrieved
    1. Notice that the Password is automatically set
  4. Click on Show SQL button and the you see it in plain text


This is just awesome. Thanks Damir.


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